
miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2020

Report about the movie Burlesque


This is my report for the movie Burlesque:


Burlesque is an amazing movie where Cher and Christina Aguilera are the main actresses. This is a masterpiece where let us appreciate these two incredible voices. Besides, the story is great and I would like to tell you more about it! (You know how excited I’m feeling writing these lines since I’m listening to the entire album that they created for the movie)

The story started showing a poor girl that didn’t have a clear future. She was working in a bar. This girl was Christina Aguilera, also known as Ali in the movie. So that she decided to move, a place in the USA where artists and performers could get success and I know you know where I’m talking about, of course, it’s Los Angeles. This girl was really talented, she could not only dance, but sing too.

As soon as she arrived LA, she started to look for a job. After some fails at looking for a job, she was passing by and saw a signboard that said BURLESQUE. She was impressed and decided to enter that place. She was astonished by the performance of the artists and wanted to get a job there performing with the other girls. This is where she met Cher, also known as Tess. Tess was one of the owners of the club. Ali begged Tess to get a job in the stage, but Tess told her that the auditions weren’t available yet. Ali wasn’t going to let it stop her, so that she started to work like a waitress in that club.

Ali was robbed in the place where she was staying. She was sad and desperate, therefore she went to her friend’s house. Her friend also worked in the club as a bartender. He told her that she could stay at his place, however he had a fiancé. Even though, they felt chemical each other.

One of the artists got pregnant, hence there was necessary another performer. Ali noticed about it and wanted to do an audition. However, Tess wasn’t sure about her talent. But, Ali knew every number and did a great performance, so that Tess decided to give her a chance.

Ali was very happy to be in the stage, however one of the performers wasn’t happy to see her. Ali started to be as good as the other performers. The jealous girl interrupted Ali’s performance stopping the music since the artists didn’t sing. However, it was an opportunity for Ali to shine and let everyone know her beautiful voice.

Everything was perfect. Nevertheless, Tess was facing financial problems. The bank was going to get her club and she didn’t get any loan to pay her debts. There was a man who was failing in love with Ali. He was interested in buying the club, but Tess wasn’t very happy with this idea. Ali noticed that this guy wanted to buy the club to build skyscrapers. Ali knew he was not the man for her and decided to help Tess to get a loan with another business man. Finally, the bartender left her fiancé and asked Ali to be his girlfriend.

This is a great movie to show how we should fight for our dreams and the rest is addition.     

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